WINE HIGHLIGHT: 2018 Vidal Blanc
Vidal Blanc is a hybrid that loves our vineyard. It does so well here! Many vineyards to ice Vidal wine, but we found that ours is good without harvesting in the cold. Being a hybrid makes the vine less susceptible to the brutal winter weather of the northern wine areas. The perfect type of vine for the midwest and our area!
Typical Vidal Blanc is slightly dry, medium bodied, low tannins and very high acidity. The low tannin level makes sense for white wine since this is not aged with oak. Tannins naturally occur in wine and will be in reds when it is aged with oak since it also is naturally derived in wood. Vidal Blanc's will also have tastes of Honeydew, Lychee and Pineapple.
Our Vidal is what I call a "porch sipper". Something you should enjoy over a longer period of time- lets say watching the sunset on your porch. It's a great bottle to share with a group as well as most people seem to enjoy a glass of this.
Our Vidal is different from many Vidal Blanc's you will find in West Michigan. Most Vidal's will be iced, meaning that they harvest in the winter and the wine is much sweeter. Our Vidal has a bit of an apple taste along with the typical indicators of Pineapple and Lychee. The acid is quite high in our Vidal and can make you pucker a bit. But I find that is what I like about it best.

Our Vidal is what I call a "porch sipper". Something you should enjoy over a longer period of time- lets say watching the sunset on your porch. It's a great bottle to share with a group as well as most people seem to enjoy a glass of this.
Our Vidal is different from many Vidal Blanc's you will find in West Michigan. Most Vidal's will be iced, meaning that they harvest in the winter and the wine is much sweeter. Our Vidal has a bit of an apple taste along with the typical indicators of Pineapple and Lychee. The acid is quite high in our Vidal and can make you pucker a bit. But I find that is what I like about it best.
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